
Can't believe you're gone

Words can't even begin to describe how sad I am that Steve Jobs is gone. Every time I think about it, I feel like crying. I'm actually crying right now. To me it just seemed like he would never die, that it would never happen. He was immortal, he was invincible. I mean, come on, he's Steve Jobs. Steve Jobs doesn't die.When my dad told me, I thought he was making a joke like when we told me my dog died. I nearly broke down in front of him when he told me that. I never knew I could feel this much for a man that I never met and just see on tv and the news. He's changed so many lives, he's amazing, he's a genius, he's special. Steve Jobs -even though I didn't know it until now- is one of my inspirations to do better. We will all miss you, you amazing man.

Think different.